Faculty & Staff Directory


Staff Directory Listing

Headshot of K. Burke.

Postdoctoral Researcher; Research Associate II; Gun Violence Research Center; Gun Violence Research Center

Postdoctoral Associate & Researcher, Staff

Headshot of Midhat

Research Teaching Specialist IV; NJSS

Headshot of K. Sterling

Associate Professor

Faculty, Health Behavior, Society and Policy

MJ Yang Headshot.

Assistant Professor

Faculty, Health Behavior, Society and Policy

Headshot of Juhi Aggarwal.

Data Analyst (Program Data Manager)


Headshot of person with bangs in front of building.

Postdoctoral Associate; Department of Health Behavior, Systems and Policy

Postdoctoral Associate & Researcher, Health Behavior, Society and Policy

Headshot of Jon-Patrick Allem.

Associate Professor

Faculty, Health Behavior, Society and Policy

Rutgers Profile Placeholder

Postdoctoral Researcher; Research Associate II; Gun Violence Research Center

Postdoctoral Associate & Researcher, Staff

Headshot of Tracy Andrews.

Senior Biostatistician; RUBIES


Michael Anestis headshot.

Professor; Executive Director, New Jersey Gun Violence Research Center

Faculty, Urban-Global Public Health

Joye Anestis headshot.

Associate Professor

Faculty, Health Behavior, Society and Policy

Marjan Atienza headshot.

User Support Specialist IV


Rutgers Profile Placeholder

Administrative Assistant; Dept. of Biostatistics and Epidemiology

Staff, Biostatistics and Epidemiology

Headshot of Richard T. Barnes.

Associate Professor and Assistant Director, New Jersey Gun Violence Research Center

Faculty, Urban-Global Public Health

Headshot of Samuel Barreto Rios.

Facilities Manager


Headshot of Emily Barrett

George G. Rhoads Endowed Legacy Professor; Vice Chair and Professor, Dept. of Biostatistics and Epidemiology

Faculty, Department Chairs & Concentration Directors, Biostatistics and Epidemiology

Headshot of Michelle Manderski.

Assistant Professor

Faculty, Biostatistics and Epidemiology

Headshot of Jayna Moceri Brooks.

Postdoctoral Researcher; Research Associate II; Gun Violence Research Center

Postdoctoral Associate & Researcher, Staff

Headshot of Gerrae Brown.

Program Assistant; New Jersey Gun Violence Research Center


Claire Brown headshot.

Director for Student Experiences and Alumni Affairs


Headshot of Greta Bushnell.

Assistant Professor

Faculty, Biostatistics and Epidemiology

Rutgers Profile Placeholder

Head Clerk; Center for Public Health Workforce Development


Headshot of Juana Canna.

Budget Analyst


Headshot of Julie Caruth.

Assistant Professor

Faculty, Environmental and Occupational Health and Justice

Headshot of Memo Laurent.

Assistant Professor

Faculty, Environmental and Occupational Health and Justice

Headshot of Angela Centellas.

Program Director; New Jersey Gun Violence Research Center


Headshot of E. Chavez.

Research Coordinator; Dept. of Urban-Global Public Health

Staff, Urban-Global Public Health

Headshot of Julia Chen Sankey.

Assistant Professor

Faculty, Health Behavior, Society and Policy

Anthony Cheung headshot.

Associate Dean for Finance & Administration

Leadership, Staff

Headshot of J. Ciampi

Administrative Assistant; Dept. of Health Behavior, Society, and Policy

Staff, Health Behavior, Society and Policy

Headshot of H. Clement

Data Analyst, RUBIES


Rutgers Profile Placeholder


Faculty, Health Behavior, Society and Policy

Staff profile image

User Support Specialist III


Headshot Adam Cohen

Director of Development


Amanda D. Allen headshot.

Pre-Awards Manager


Katie Darabos headshot.


Faculty, Health Behavior, Society and Policy

Cristine Delnevo headshot.

Distinguished Professor; Director, Rutgers Institute for Nicotine and Tobacco Studies; Senior Advisor for Tobacco Control, Rutgers Cancer Institute of New Jersey

Faculty, Health Behavior, Society and Policy

Headshot of Philip Demokritou.

Henry Rutgers Chair and Professor

Faculty, Department Chairs & Concentration Directors, Environmental and Occupational Health and Justice

Headshot of Marie Dessanti.

Program Coordinator; Center for Public Health Workforce Development


Headshot of M C Dogbey-Smith.

Program Director; Dept. of Urban-Global Public Health

Staff, Urban-Global Public Health

Shauna Downs headshot.

Associate Professor

Faculty, Health Behavior, Society and Policy

Paul Duberstein headshot.

Chair and Professor, Dept. of Health Behavior, Society, and Policy

Faculty, Leadership, Department Chairs & Concentration Directors, Health Behavior, Society and Policy

Headshot of Michelle Edelstein.

Director for Marketing and Communication

Staff, Leadership

Headshot of E. Eliason

Assistant Professor

Faculty, Urban-Global Public Health

Rutgers Profile Placeholder

Assistant Professor

Faculty, Health Behavior, Society and Policy

Devin English headshot.

Assistant Professor

Faculty, Urban-Global Public Health

Nir Eyal headshot.

Dr. and Mrs. Stanley S. Bergen Professor of Bioethics; Henry Rutgers Professor of Bioethics

Faculty, Health Behavior, Society and Policy

Headshot of Henry F. Raymond.

Associate Professor

Faculty, Biostatistics and Epidemiology

Headshot of Nancy Fiedler.


Faculty, Environmental and Occupational Health and Justice

Headshot of E. C. Francis

Assistant Professor

Faculty, Biostatistics and Epidemiology

Alec Fray headshot.

User Support Specialist IV


Headshot of Merlene

Associate Professor

Faculty, Urban-Global Public Health

Rutgers Profile Placeholder

Associate Professor; LGBTQ Health Concentration Director

Faculty, Leadership, Department Chairs & Concentration Directors, Urban-Global Public Health

Ollie Ganz Headshot.

Assistant Professor

Faculty, Health Behavior, Society and Policy

Rutgers Profile Placeholder

Program Coordinator; Center for Public Health Workforce Development


Headshot of Marquiah Geiger.

Executive Assistant to the Dean


Headshot of Panos Georgopoulos.


Faculty, Environmental and Occupational Health and Justice

Gerstik headshot.

Admissions Counselor


Headshot of M. Sheftel


Faculty, Health Behavior, Society and Policy

Headshot of Kylie Getz.

Biostatistician; RUBIES


Sean Glasgow headshot.

Director for Information Technology

Leadership, Staff

Headshot of Samantha Gonnelli.

Assistant Director for Student Experiences & Alumni Affairs


Yasmin Gonzalez headshot.

Assistant to the Registrar


Headshot of N. Gonzalez.

Communications Specialist


Headshot of Judith Graber.

Associate Professor

Faculty, Biostatistics and Epidemiology

Headshot of S. Gratale


Faculty, Health Behavior, Society and Policy

Headshot of Patricia Greenberg.

Administrative Manager & Senior Biostatistician; RUBIES


Headshot of R. Greene.

CHIBPS Research Affiliate; Professor, NYU Department of Medicine

Headshot of Marybec Griffin.

Assistant Professor

Faculty, Health Behavior, Society and Policy

Perry N. Halkitis headshot.

Dean, Hunterdon Professor of Public Health & Health Equity, and Distinguished Professor

Faculty, Leadership, Biostatistics and Epidemiology

Headshot of H. Han.

Postdoctoral Associate

Postdoctoral Associate & Researcher, Staff

Headshot of Elizabeth Handrof

Associate Professor

Faculty, Biostatistics and Epidemiology

Headshot of Ubydul Haque.

Assistant Professor

Faculty, Biostatistics and Epidemiology

Headshot of Patrice Harley.

Sr. Marketing and Communications Coordinator; New Jersey Gun Violence Research Center


Headshot of JY Hong


Faculty, Environmental and Occupational Health and Justice

Headshot of Mary Hrywna.

Associate Professor

Faculty, Health Behavior, Society and Policy

Headshot of Liangyuan Hu.

Associate Professor

Faculty, Biostatistics and Epidemiology

Ivan Huang headshot

User Support Specialist IV


Headshot of Q. Hunter

Student Research Assistant; NJSS


Headshot of M. Ibitoye.


Faculty, Urban-Global Public Health

Headshot of J. Jaiswal.

CHIBPS Research Affiliate; Assistant Professor, University of Alabama at Birmingham School of Medicine

Headshot of Yi Hua Jan.

Assistant Professor

Faculty, Environmental and Occupational Health and Justice

Headshot of Michelle Jeong.

Assistant Professor

Faculty, Health Behavior, Society and Policy

Headshot of Kendra Julien.

Program Coordinator; Center for Public Health Workforce Development


Headshot of Ayana April-Sanders


Faculty, Biostatistics and Epidemiology

Leslie M. Kantor headshot.

Chair and Professor, Dept. of Urban-Global Public Health

Faculty, Leadership, Department Chairs & Concentration Directors, Urban-Global Public Health

Sarah Kelly headshot.

Assistant Dean for Student Experiences and Alumni Affairs

Staff, Leadership

Headshot of J. Khan.

Research Coordinator; Dept. of Health Behavior, Society, and Policy

Staff, Health Behavior, Society and Policy

Headshot of F. F. Khosrow-Khavar.


Faculty, Biostatistics and Epidemiology

Headshot of C. Kinkade

Postdoctoral Associate

Postdoctoral Associate & Researcher, Staff

Headshot of Anita Kinney.


Faculty, Biostatistics and Epidemiology

Headshot of Howard Kipen.


Faculty, Environmental and Occupational Health and Justice

Headshot of Kelly Kohler

Assistant Professor

Faculty, Health Behavior, Society and Policy

Kamal Kornegay headshot.

Assistant Dean for Admissions & Recruitment

Leadership, Staff

Headshot of Koshy Koshy.

Associate Professor; Occupational Health Sciences Concentration Leader

Faculty, Department Chairs & Concentration Directors, Environmental and Occupational Health and Justice

Headshot of Elissa Kozlov

Assistant Professor; Population Aging Concentration Director

Faculty, Department Chairs & Concentration Directors, Health Behavior, Society and Policy

Kristin Krause headshot.

Assistant Professor; Deputy Director, CHIBPS

Faculty, Urban-Global Public Health

Headshot of Maryanne Campbell.

Assistant Director, Research Teaching Specialist III; NJSS


Headshot of Jeff Laskin.

Distinguished Professor

Faculty, Environmental and Occupational Health and Justice

Teri Lassiter headshot.

Assistant Dean for Justice, Equity, Diversity, & Inclusion for Education; Assistant Professor

Faculty, Leadership, Urban-Global Public Health

Headshot of Rob Laumbach.

Associate Professor

Faculty, Environmental and Occupational Health and Justice

Rutgers Profile Placeholder

Data Control Clerk II; Center for Public Health Workforce Development


Headshot of May Lee.

Senior Financial Analyst


Headshot of Gwenyth Lee.

Assistant Professor

Faculty, Biostatistics and Epidemiology

Headshot of K. Lewis

Research Coordinator; CHIBPS


Headshot of Laura Liang.

Senior Associate Dean for Academic Affairs; Associate Professor

Faculty, Leadership, Health Behavior, Society and Policy

Headshot of Laura Lindberg.

Professor; Sexual and Reproductive Health, Rights and Justice Concentration Director

Faculty, Department Chairs & Concentration Directors, Urban-Global Public Health

Headshot of Hao Liu.


Faculty, Biostatistics and Epidemiology

staff smiling at camera

Biostatistician; RUBIES


Chai Lo headshot.

User Support Specialist II


Headshot of Linda Lopez.

E-Learning Support Specialist


Headshot of Shou-En Lu.

Associate Professor

Faculty, Biostatistics and Epidemiology

Headshot of Lan Luo.

Assistant Professor

Faculty, Biostatistics and Epidemiology

Headshot K. Maynard

Director for Staff and Faculty Affairs

Staff, Leadership

Headshot of Natale Mazzaferro.

Project Manager & Program Support Coordinator; RUBIES


Headshot of Phil McCabe.

Education Training Specialist; Center for Public Health Workforce Development


Rutgers Profile Placeholder

Senior Training & Consultation Specialist; Center for Public Health Workforce Development


Headshot of Mark McGovern.

Associate Professor

Faculty, Health Behavior, Society and Policy

Headshot of Colleen Wharton Mckay.

Program Manager; Community Living Education Project (CLEP)


Rutgers Profile Placeholder

Student Support Services Coordinator (Piscataway)


Headshot, Emily Merchant.

Assistant Professor

Faculty, Urban-Global Public Health

Headshot of Samantha Metlitz.

Program Support Coordinator

Staff, Biostatistics and Epidemiology

Dirk Moore headshot.

Associate Professor

Faculty, Biostatistics and Epidemiology

Paris Mourgues headshot.

Chief of Staff

Leadership, Staff

Headshot of Angelica Negron.

Administrative Assistant; Dept. of Urban-Global Public Health

Staff, Urban-Global Public Health

Headshot of Paul Nguyen.

Budget Analyst


Headshot of Pamela Ohman Strickland.

Associate Professor

Faculty, Biostatistics and Epidemiology

Headshot S. Papatheodorou.

Associate Professor

Faculty, Biostatistics and Epidemiology

Headshot of J. Paruk

Postdoctoral Researcher; Research Associate II; Gun Violence Research Center

Postdoctoral Associate & Researcher, Staff

Headshot of Shivangiben Patel.

Business Manager


Headshot of P. D'Avanzo.

CHIBPS Research Affiliate; Chief Postdoctoral Research Fellow, HIV Center for Clinical and Behavioral Studies

Rafael E. Pérez-Figueroa headshot.

Associate Dean for Community Engagement, Population Health, and Public Health Service

Faculty, Leadership, Urban-Global Public Health

Headshot of Annabelle Perricho.

Data Control Clerk II; Center for Public Health Workforce Development


Headshot fo S. Porter.

Program Administrator; Center for Public Health Workforce Development


Headshot of L. Potash.

Management Assistant; Office for the Dean


Headshot of D. Potter

Data Analyst

Staff, Urban-Global Public Health

Headshot of Michael Pratt.

Assistant Professor; Occupational Health Medicine Concentration Leader

Faculty, Department Chairs & Concentration Directors, Environmental and Occupational Health and Justice

Headshot of Wendy Purcell.

Vice Chair and Professor, Dept. of Environmental and Occupational Health and Justice

Faculty, Environmental and Occupational Health and Justice

Cris Regala headshot.

User Support Specialist I


Headshot of V. Rivera.

Academic Support Counselor


Headshot of Z. Rivera-Núñez

Assistant Professor

Faculty, Biostatistics and Epidemiology

Headshot of Megan Rockafellow Baldoni.

Assistant Professor; Administrative Director of Research and Evaluation

Faculty, Environmental and Occupational Health and Justice

Headshot of Slawa Rokicki

Assistant Professor

Faculty, Health Behavior, Society and Policy

Headshot of Artrice Roman.

Program Coordinator; Office for Community Engagement and Public Health Practice


Mitchel Rosen headshot.

Associate Professor; Director of the Center for Public Health Workforce Development; Alpha Eta Chapter President

Faculty, Urban-Global Public Health

Jason Roy headshot.

Chair and Professor, Dept. of Biostatistics and Epidemiology

Faculty, Leadership, Department Chairs & Concentration Directors, Biostatistics and Epidemiology

Headshot of Christina Rozario.

Program Coordinator; Office for Community Engagement and Public Health Practice


Headshot of Michelle Ruidiaz-Santiago.

Executive Assistant; Dept. of Health Behavior, Society, and Policy

Staff, Health Behavior, Society and Policy

Headshot H. Samples

Assistant Professor

Faculty, Health Behavior, Society and Policy

Jaya Satagopan headshot.

Associate Dean for Faculty Affairs; Professor

Faculty, Leadership, Biostatistics and Epidemiology

Rutgers Profile Placeholder

Electronic Technician I: Center for Public Health Workforce Development


Headshot of Kevin Schroth.

Associate Professor; Health Systems and Policy Concentration Director

Faculty, Leadership, Department Chairs & Concentration Directors, Health Behavior, Society and Policy

Stephan Schwander Headshot

Associate Professor

Faculty, Environmental and Occupational Health and Justice, Urban-Global Public Health

Headshot of S. Scrofani

Postdoctoral Associate; CHIBPS

Postdoctoral Associate & Researcher, Urban-Global Public Health

Rutgers Profile Placeholder

Administrative Coordinator II; Dept. of Environmental and Occupational Health and Justice

Staff, Environmental and Occupational Health and Justice

Headshot of Derek Shendell

Professor and Director of NJ Safe Schools Program (NJSS)

Faculty, Department Chairs & Concentration Directors, Environmental and Occupational Health and Justice

Stephanie Shiau headshot.

Assistant Professor

Faculty, Biostatistics and Epidemiology

Vince Silenzio headshot.

Professor; Global Public Health Concentration Director

Faculty, Leadership, Department Chairs & Concentration Directors, Urban-Global Public Health

Headshot of Meki Singleton.

Presidential Postdoctoral Associate

Postdoctoral Associate & Researcher, Urban-Global Public Health

Headshot of W. Staromiejska

Research Coordinator; Dept. of Health Behavior, Society, and Policy


Headshot of Antoinette (Nan) M. Stroup.

Professor; Director of Cancer Epidemiology Services, New Jersey State Cancer Registry

Faculty, Biostatistics and Epidemiology

Headshot of C. Stults.

CHIBPS Research Affiliate; Assistant Professor, Baruch College & CUNY Graduate Center

Headshot of E. Suarez.


Faculty, Biostatistics and Epidemiology

Rutgers Profile Placeholder

Faculty Affairs Coordinator


Headshot of Natalie Trump.

Program Director, Education & Training; Center for Public Health Workforce Development


Headshot of Iris Udasin.


Faculty, Environmental and Occupational Health and Justice

Headshot of Brandon Underwood.

Administrative Coordinator


Headshot of Andrea Villanti.

Professor; Deputy Director, Rutgers Institute for Nicotine and Tobacco Studies

Faculty, Health Behavior, Society and Policy

Headshot of Katherine Vivanco.

Registrar Coordinator


Rutgers Profile Placeholder

Executive Assistant; Dept. of Urban-Global Public Health

Staff, Urban-Global Public Health

Headshot of Olivia Wackowski.

Associate Professor

Faculty, Health Behavior, Society and Policy

Headshot of Laura Warne.

Communication Specialist; Center for Public Health Workforce Development


Headshot of Chongyi Wei.

Associate Professor

Faculty, Health Behavior, Society and Policy

Headshot of Fay West.

Coordinator, Staff Resources and Administration


Headshot of Tina West.

Grants Coordinator


Headshot of Leevinia Bonnie Wilson.

Staff Assistant; Center for Public Health Workforce Development


Headshot of Cui Yang.

Associate Professor

Faculty, Health Behavior, Society and Policy

Rutgers Profile Placeholder

Executive Assistant; Dept. of Biostatistics and Epidemiology

Staff, Biostatistics and Epidemiology

Katherine Zapert headshot.

Assistant Dean for Research

Leadership, Staff

Helmut Zarbl headshot.

Chair and Professor, Dept. of Environmental and Occupational Health and Justice; Director, Environmental and Occupational Health Science Institute

Faculty, Leadership, Department Chairs & Concentration Directors, Environmental and Occupational Health and Justice