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  • School Leadership

School Leadership

Meet our school's leadership team.

Leadership Team

Perry N. Halkitis headshot.

Perry N. Halkitis, PhD, MS, MPH (he/him/his)

Dean, Hunterdon Professor of Public Health & Health Equity, and Distinguished Professor

Headshot of Emily Barrett

Emily Barrett, PhD, MA (she/her/hers)

George G. Rhoads Endowed Legacy Professor; Vice Chair and Professor, Dept. of Biostatistics and Epidemiology

Claire Brown, MPH

Director for Student Experiences and Alumni Affairs

Anthony Cheung

Associate Dean for Finance & Administration

Paul Duberstein headshot.

Paul Duberstein, PhD (he/him/his)

Chair and Professor, Dept. of Health Behavior, Society, and Policy

Michelle Edelstein, MPH (she/her/hers)

Director for Marketing and Communication

Mackey R. Friedman, PhD, MPH (he/him/his)

Associate Professor; LGBTQ Health Concentration Director

Headshot of Panos Georgopoulos.

Panos Georgopoulos, PhD


Sean Glasgow, MSCIS

Director for Information Technology

Leslie M. Kantor headshot.

Leslie M. Kantor, PhD, MPH (she/her/hers)

Chair and Professor, Dept. of Urban-Global Public Health

Sarah Kelly, MPH, EdD

Assistant Dean for Student Experiences and Alumni Affairs

Kamal Kornegay, MA

Assistant Dean for Admissions & Recruitment

Teri Lassiter headshot.

Teri Lassiter, PhD, MPH (she/her/hers)

Assistant Dean for Justice, Equity, Diversity, & Inclusion for Education; Assistant Professor

Headshot of Laura Liang.

Laura Liang, DrPH

Senior Associate Dean for Academic Affairs; Associate Professor

K. Maynard

Director for Staff and Faculty Affairs

Paris Mourgues, LMSW

Chief of Staff

Rafael E. Pérez-Figueroa headshot.

Rafael E. Pérez-Figueroa, MD, MPH (he/him/his/el)

Associate Dean for Community Engagement, Population Health, and Public Health Service

Headshot of Wendy Purcell.

Wendy Purcell, PhD (she/her/hers)

Vice Chair and Professor, Dept. of Environmental and Occupational Health and Justice

Jason Roy headshot.

Jason Roy, PhD

Chair and Professor, Dept. of Biostatistics and Epidemiology

Jaya Satagopan headshot.

Jaya Satagopan, PhD (she/her/hers)

Associate Dean for Faculty Affairs; Professor

Headshot of Kevin Schroth.

Kevin Schroth, JD

Associate Professor; Health Systems and Policy Concentration Director

Vince Silenzio headshot.

Vince Silenzio, MD, MPH (he/him/his)

Professor; Global Public Health Concentration Director

Katherine Zapert, MA

Assistant Dean for Research

Helmut Zarbl headshot.

Helmut Zarbl, PhD

Chair and Professor, Dept. of Environmental and Occupational Health and Justice; Director, Environmental and Occupational Health Science Institute