School-Wide Forward Schedule
The school-wide Forward Schedule represents the courses that will be offered at a minimum for a particular semester. Additional courses or sections may be added to the course schedule for a semester due to interests or high enrollment. Courses offered in a particular semester may be cancelled due to low enrollment.
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday 12:30-2:30pm PHCO 0501
HSAP Core [NB]
PHCO 0502
EPID Core [NB]3:00-5:00pm PHCO 0505
SBHS Core [NB]PHCO 0503
ENOH Core [NB]
PHCO 0513
Leadership & Mgmt Core [NB]6:00-8:00pm PHCO 0503
ENOH Core [NB]
PHCO 0503
ENOH Core [N]PHCO 0501
HSAP Core [NB]PHCO 0502
EPID Core [NB]
PHCO 0502
EPID Core [N]PHCO 0504
BIST Core [NB]
PHCO 0504
BIST Core [N]Online:
PHCO 0501
HSAP Core [Online]
PHCO 0502
EPID Core [Online]
PHCO 0503
ENOH Core [Online]
PHCO 0504
BIST Core [Online]
PHCO 0505
SBHS Core [Online]
PHCO 0514
PH Fndns MSHOPE [Online] -
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday 3:00-5:00pm BIST 0700
Adv Theory Bist [NB]BIST 0650
App Long Data [NB]
BIST 0750
Long Data [NB]
Odd Years
EPID 0607
Reproduct &
Peri Epid [NB]
Even Years
EPID 0656
Interm Epi
Res Mth [Remote]EPID 0652
Epid of Chronic
Dis [Remote]
EPID 0676
Interm Phamcoepi
[Hybrid]BIST 0625
Fndmntls of Biostat [NB]
BIST 0663
Stat Learning Biomed Studies [NB]6:00-8:00pm BIST 0535
Biostat Computing [NB]
BIST 0535
Biostat Computing [N]
EPID 0563
Intro Out Res [NB]
Even Years
EPID 0563
Intro Out Res [N]
Odd YearsBIST 0551
Appl Regr Anal
[NB or Remote]
BIST 0613
Biostat Thry I [NB]
EPID 0607
Reproduct &
Peri Epid [Remote]
Odd YearsBIST 0615
Applied Categ
Data Anal [NB]
EPID 0552
Infect Dis Epi [NB]EPID 0657
Applied Mthds Epid [NB]
EPID 0657
Applied Mthds Epid [Remote]6:30-8:30pm EPID 0721
Using PH Surv
Assess PH Needs [Remote]HOPE 9510
Econ Modeling of
Pharm & Other Health Interv [Remote]Online/Hybrid
BIST 0721 Adv Bayesian Influence [Online]
EPID 0621 Survey Research in Epid [Online] -
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday 9:00-11:00am ENOH 0567
Sem on Occ
Safe & Hlth [NB]ENOH 0670
Occ Hlth
Practice [NB]3:00-5:00pm ENOH 0644
Even Years6:00-8:00pm ENOH 0695
Env Exp
Meas [NB]ENOH 0596
Env Justice [NB]
ENOH 0693
Princ of Occ/Env
Health [NB]ENOH 0699
Princ Indus
Hyg [NB]ENOH 0653
Biomarkers [NB]
Odd YearsOnline/Hybrid
ENOH 0657 Managing Haz Energy [Hybrid]
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday 12:30-2:30pm HBSP 0700
Advs in Public Health Theories [NB]
Odd Years3:00-5:00pm HBSP 0652
Program Plan & Eval [NB]
HBSP 0701
Grantwriting for PH, Behav & Biomed Res [NB]
Even YearsHBSP 0624
Pop Health & Public Policy [NB]
HBSP 0724
Pop Health & Public Policy [NB]
HBSP 0655
Social Marketing [NB]
Even YearsHBSP 0600
Health Behav & Policy Res Design & Mthds [Remote]
Odd Years
HBSP 0703
Eval & Res Design & PH Inter [NB]
Even Years6:00-8:00pm HBSP 0602
Long-Term Effs of Child Inequal & Early Life Adver [NB]
HBSP 0655
Social Marketing [NB]
Odd YearsHBSP 0600
Health Behav & Policy Res Design & Mthds [Remote]
Even Years
HBSP 0621
Health Care Econ [NB]6:30-8:30pm
HBSP 0722
Mixed Mthds Res for PH [Remote]Online/Hybrid
IDST 5300 Intro to Gerontology [Online]
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday 10:00-11:00am RESH 0700
Doctoral Colloquium I [NB]11:00am-12:00pm RESH 0700
Doctoral Colloquium II [NB]
RESH 0730
PhD Seminar
[Remote; meets 3x/semester]
11:00-12:30pm -
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday 3:00-5:00pm UGPH 0630
Global Food Sys & Policy [NB]
Even Years
UGPH 0630
Global Food Sys & Policy [N]
Odd YearsUGPH 0605
UGPH 0621
Qual Research Methods [N]
Even Years
PH & Health Dispar [N]
Odd Years
UGPH 0640
LGBTQ Health: Hist & Context [NB]UGPH 0600
Intro Global PH [Remote]
Odd Years
UGPH 0644
Meth Hard Reach Pops [NB]
UGPH 0744
Meth Hard Reach Pops [NB]6:00-8:00pm UGPH 0605
Qual Research Methods [N]
Odd Years
UGPH 0621
PH & Health Dispar [N]
Even Years
UGPH 0646
Transgender Health [NB]UGPH 0600
Intro Global PH [Remote]
Even Years
UGPH 0670
Global Food Cltr [NB]
Even Years
UGPH 0670
Global Food Cltr [N]
Odd Years6:30-8:30pm UGPH 0711
Leadership & Mmgt 1 [Remote and Executive Session]UGPH 0712
Creating Interv Impact [Remote]Online/Hybrid
NUTR 6490 Nutritional Epid [Hybrid]
Even Years
UGPH 0560 MCH [Online]
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday 12:30-2:30pm PHCO 0503
ENOH Core [NB]3:00-5:00pm PHCO 0504
BIST Core [NB or Remote]PHCO 0501
HSAP Core [NB]
PHCO 0505
SBHS Core [NB]6:00-8:00pm PHCO 0503
ENOH Core [NB]
PHCO 0513
Leadership & Mgmt Core [N or Remote]PHCO 0502
EPID Core [NB]
PHCO 0505
SBHS Core [NB]PHCO 0501
HSAP Core [NB]
PHCO 0501
HSAP Core [Remote]
PHCO 0502
EPID Core [N]
PHCO 0513
Leadership & Mgmt Core [NB]PHCO 0504
BIST Core [NB]
PHCO 0504
BIST Core [N or Remote]Online/Hybrid
PHCO 0501 HSAP Core [Online]
PHCO 0502 EPID Core [Online]
PHCO 0503 ENOH Core [Online]
PHCO 0504 BIST Core [Online]
PHCO 0505 SBHS Core [Online]
PHCO 0512 PH Fndns [Online] -
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday 12:30-2:30pm BIST 0720
Adv Bio Stat Comput [NB]
Odd Years
BIST 0725
Gen Linear Models [NB]
Even YearsBIST 0701
Adv Theory Biostat II [NB]EPID 0753
Adv Epid Res Methods [NB]3:00-5:00pm BIST 0614
Bio Stat Theory II [NB]
EPID 0673
Social Epid [N]
Even YearsBIST 0610
Adv Reg [NB]EPID 0672
Pharmcoepid & Ther Risk Mgmt [Hybrid]
EPID 0673
Social Epid [NB]
Odd YearsEPID 0601
Cancer Epid [NB]
Even Years6:00-8:00pm BIST 0535
Biostat Computing [NB]
BIST 0535
Biostat Computing [N]
BIST 0627
Applied Survival Data Anal [NB]
BIST 0727
Survival Data Anal [NB]
Odd Years
EPID 0641
GIS in Public Health [Remote]EPID 0650
Env/Occ Epid [NB]EPID 0750
Env/Occ Epid [NB]
EPID 0656
Interm Epi Res Mthds [NB]
EPID 0656
Interm Epi Res Mthds [N]EPID 0657
Applied Mthds Epid [N]
EPID 0657
Applied Mthds Epid [Remote]
HOPE 9516
Outcomes Research Operations [Remote]BIST 0551
Appl Regr Anal [NB or Remote]
BIST 0660
Clin. Trials: Des/Anal Med Exp [NB]6:30-8:30pm BIST 0714
Interm Biostat [Remote] -
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday 9:00-11:00am ENOH 0564
Indust Site Visits [NB]ENOH 0670
Occ Hlth Practice [NB]3:00-5:00pm ENOH 0701
PH Research Ethics [NB]
Even Years6:00-8:00pm ENOH 0654
Occ Safe & Wrkplc Risk Mit [NB]ENOH 0594
Env & Occ Tox [NB]ENOH 0656
Env Risk Assess [NB]Online/Hybrid
ENOH 0560 PH Bio & Phys [Online]
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday 3:00-5:00pm HBSP 0620
PH Ethics + Law [NB]
Odd YearsHBSP 0581
Adult Psychopath [NB]
HBSP 0654
Hlth Comm/Risk Comm [Remote]
Odd YearsHBSP 0621
Health Care Econ [NB]
HBSP 0623
Cross-Nat Comps [Remote]
HBSP 0660
Dism & Impl Res for Hlth Prom [NB]HBSP 0600
Health Behav & Policy Res Design & Mthds [NB]
Odd Years
HBSP 0653
Modifying Hlth Bev [NB]
Even Years6:00-8:00pm HBSP 0620
PH Ethics + Law [NB]
Even YearsHBSP 0622
Health Politics [NB]HBSP 0723
Health Politics [NB]
HBSP 0654
Hlth Comm/Risk Comm [Remote]
Even Years
HBSP 0723
Health Politics [NB]
Even YearsHBSP 0652
Program Plan & Eval [NB]HBSP 0600
Health Behav & Policy Res Design & Mthds [NB]
Even Years
HBSP 0653
Modifying Hlth Bev [NB]
Odd Years6:30-8:30pm HBSP 0713
PH Ethics + Law [Remote]Online/Hybrid
HBSP 0603 Mental Health & Aging [Online]
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday 10:00-11:00am RESH 0700
Doctoral Colloquium I [NB]11:00am-12:00pm RESH 0700
Doctoral Colloquium II [NB]RESH 0730
PhD Seminar
[Remote; meets 3x/semester]
11:00-12:30pm12:30-2:30pm RESH 0700
Dissertation Proposal Seminar [NB]4:00-5:00pm 1611-5556
Ethical Scientific Conduct-for PhD students [Remote] -
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday 3:00-5:00pm UGPH 0600
Intro Global PH [Remote]
Odd Years
UGPH 0642
LBGTQ Health & Health Disp [Remote]UGPH 0648
PH Aspects of HIV Prev & Care [N]6:00-8:00pm UGPH 0515
Global Comm & NCD [NB]
Even Years
UGPH 0515
Global Comm & NCD [N]
Odd YearsUGPH 0521
Culture & Health [NB]
Odd Years
UGPH 0521
Culture & Health [N]
Even Years
UGPH 0600
Intro Global PH [Remote]
Even YearsUGPH 0680
Urban PH [N]6:30-8:30pm UGPH 0723
Leadership & Mmgt III [Remote & Exec Session]UGPH 0724
Policy, Power & Adv PH [Remote]Online/Hybrid
NUTR 5300 Nutr Across Lifespan [Hybrid]
Even Years
Summer I
Mon/Weds Tues/Thurs Tues (only) Weds (only) Thurs (only) 9:00-11:00am ENOH 0670
Occ Hlth Practice [NB]5:00-8:00pm BIST 0535
Biostat Computing [Remote] Odd Years
BIST 0551
Appl Regr Anal [Remote] Even YearsUGPH Elective [N] 6:30-8:30pm UGPH 0715
Leadership & Mgmt II [Remote and Executive Session] Meets over both Summer SessionsHBSP 0600
Hlth Behav & Policy Res Des & Meth [Remote] Meets over both Summer Sessions and meets 6:00-8:20pmHBSP 0726
Interm Survey Res Meth [Remote] Meets over both Summer Sessions
UGPH 0716
Evaluation & Evidence for PH [Remote and Executive Session] Meets over both Summer SessionsOnline/Hybrid
PHCO 0501
HSAP Core [Online] Meets over both Summer Sessions
PHCO 0504
BIST Core [Online]
PHCO 0505
SBHS Core [Online]
PHCO 0513
Leadership & Mgmt Ess PH [Online] Meets over both Summer Sessions
HBSP 0652
Prog Plan & Eval [Online] Meets over both Summer Sessions
HBSP 0724
Effectively Teaching and Training Adults [Online] Meets over both Summer Sessions
NUTR 5513
Global & PH Nutrition [Hybrid] (Actual Program Dates May Vary)
Summer II
Mon/Weds Tues/Thurs Tues (only) Weds (only) Thurs (only) 9:00-11:00am ENOH 0670
Occ Hlth Practice [NB]5:00-8:00pm UGPH Elective [N] ENOH 0653
Biomarkers [NB]
EPID Elective
[Remote or NB]6:30-8:30pm UGPH 0715
Leadership & Mgmt II [Remote and Executive Session] Meets over both Summer SessionsHBSP 0600
Hlth Behav & Policy Res Des & Meth [Remote] Meets over both Summer Sessions and meets 6:00-8:20pmHBSP 0726
Interm Survey Res Meth [Remote] Meets over both Summer Sessions
UGPH 0716
Evaluation & Evidence for PH [Remote and Executive Session] Meets over both Summer SessionsOnline/Hybrid
PHCO 0501
HSAP Core [Online] Meets over both Summer Sessions
PHCO 0502
EPID Core [Online]
PHCO 0503
ENOH Core [Online]
PHCO 0513
Leadership & Mgmt Ess PH [Online] Meets over both Summer Sessions
HBSP 0652
Prog Plan & Eval [Online] Meets over both Summer Sessions
HBSP 0724
Effectively Teaching and Training Adults [Online] Meets over both Summer Sessions
[NB]=Course offered at the School of Public Health’s New Brunswick location
[N]=Course offered at the School of Public Health’s Newark location
[Online]=Course offered online asynchronously
[Remote]=Course offered remotely, such as via Zoom, at a designated day and time
[NB or Remote]=Course offered at the School of Public Health’s New Brunswick location or remotely, check the course schedule
[N or Remote]=Course offered at the School of Public Health’s Newark location or remotely, check the course schedule
[Hybrid]=Course may be offered online asynchronously with remote sessions or offered remotely with in-person sessions, check the course schedule
Courses in italics may not be offered depending on the need.
Even Years and Odd Years – Please carefully review notations regarding a course being offered even years or odd years. The timeslot or location for select courses rotate depending on whether it is an odd year or even year and a few courses are offered every other year.
Courses offered in a particular semester may be cancelled due to low enrollment.
Additional courses or sections may be added to the course schedule for a semester due to interests or high enrollment. The Forward Schedule represents the courses that will be offered at a minimum for a particular semester.