Two people walking, talking, and smiling.


New Jersey’s Only Accredited School of Public Health


Across our numerous degrees

Ranked in the top 25 schools and programs of public health

U.S. News and World Report, 2024


Biostatistics and Epidemiology; Environmental and Occupational Health and Justice; Health Behavior, Society, and Policy; Urban-Global Public Health


Physical locations in Newark and Piscataway, with hybrid and online options

Rigorous Research Happens Here

Research supported by the Office of Research improves the health and well being of people and populations in New Jersey, the United States, and the world.


Total research awards including primary, subcontracts, and contracts in 2021


Number of primary grant submissions in 2021


Primary faculty who submitted grants as a primary investigator in 2021

Commited to Student Success 

MPH Academic Advising Appointments

Introduced in 2022, academic support counselors (ASCs) have expanded MPH academic advising capacity, with ASCs meeting 20+ students per week across the fall and spring semesters.

Students in APE or Practicum Capstone

In 2023, 166 students presented their final Practicum Capstone presentations, representing a culmination of their work as an MPH student. Additionally, 179 students registered for APE in 2023. This represents over 25,000 hours of community engaged experiential learning.

Career Advising Appointments

Since January 2023, the Office for Career Services has held over 125 individual career advising appointments, guiding Rutgers School of Public Health students on career development topics including public health career exploration, resume writing, mock interviewing, salary negotiation, and more. The school's new career services management platform, 12twenty, has streamlined our career advising process to help us reach even greater numbers of students in 2024.

Career Services Events

Th Office for Career Services hosted 50 events, workshops, and programs this calendar year, connecting hundreds of students to professional contacts, opportunities, and interests. The Office of Career Services' signature program, Alumni April, welcomed more than 50 alumni panelists and over 300 prospective and current student attendees across 11 unique events.

Student Experiences and Alumni Affairs Staff

We have combined the Office for Public Health Practice and the Office for Student Support Services into one office where all Rutgers School of Public Health students can get assistance on their curricular requirements, career advising and community engagement.