Who We Are
Rutgers University Biostatistics & Epidemiology Services (RUBIES) is a center within Rutgers Biomedical and Health Sciences and the Rutgers School of Public Health that provides statistical support, including design, programming, data management, and data analysis, to investigators throughout Rutgers University. RUBIES team members complete requested services with the Faculty Director or other associated Faculty members where appropriate.
Our research support is provided on a fee-for-support basis.

Support Services Offered:
- Study design and development, including sample size and power calculations
- Programming in SAS, R, Stata, SPSS, and other popular software packages
- Sophisticated modeling including multiple imputation of missing data, regression, survival analysis, mixed-effects models, machine learning, high-dimensional data methods, spatial models, propensity scores, marginal structural models, matching, and sensitivity analysis
- Production of statistical summaries, including tables and graphs
- Interpretation of results
- Drafting manuscripts and abstracts
- Comprehensive data management, including database design, merging databases, and data cleaning
- When services are more appropriately handled by faculty, the staff will refer clients to appropriate faculty in the Department of Biostatistics and Epidemiology.
- Support on poster and power point presentations
RUBIES research support is not intended to replace collaboration with faculty.
RUBIES is part of a network of Biostatistics, Epidemiology, and Research Design (BERD) centers, which support clinical and translation research for the New Jersey Alliance for Clinical and Translation Research (NJ ACTS) by: facilitating the translation of science into practice by providing easily accessible, state-of-the-art clinical study design and data analysis support; promoting the development, implementation and sharing of innovative study design and methods, including outcome measure development, biostatistics, epidemiology, and analysis of results; and providing educational opportunities for clinical and translational researchers to develop basic skills and understanding in study design and data analysis. For statistical support, please fill out this form.
The NJ ACTS is supported by a NIH Clinical and Translational Science Awards (CTSA).