Learn about the school's many research centers.
Center for Public Health Workforce Development
The Center for Public Health Workforce Development offers training and educational opportunities for those practicing in the field of public health, environmental health and occupational safety, as well as for those in schools, industry, various professional fields, and for the general public. Nearly 400 continuing education courses are offered annually for 3,000 participants.

Center for Health, Identity, Behavior & Prevention Studies
The Center for Health, Identity, Behavior and Prevention Studies (CHIBPS) is a nationally recognized center for the study of LGBTQ health. The center advances research and knowledge to improve the lives of those affected with or by HIV and other infectious diseases, substance use, and mental health burden through the rigorous application of social science and public health research paradigms. The team at CHIBPS envisions, develops, and enacts research with and for the communities they study.

Center on Gun Violence Research
New Jersey’s Gun Violence Research Center (GVRC), is among the first state funded research centers in the United States that conducts interdisciplinary research on the causes, consequences, and solutions to gun-related violence, while respecting the rights of legal, safe gun ownership, and use. The GVRC works in collaboration with and is supported by the New Jersey Office of the Secretary of Higher Education (OSHE).