Master of Science (MS) in Epidemiology
About the MS in Epidemiology
The MS in Epidemiology degree prepares students for public health, clinical practice, and population health research through comprehensive training in epidemiology theory, research methods, and analytical methods. Students can choose to concentrate their studies in either epidemiology or pharmacoepidemiology.

MS in Epidemiology Fast Facts
Completion option
Students can only begin their studies in the fall semester
MS in Epidemiology, Epidemiology Concentration
Accordion Content
Each concentration identifies competencies for each degree offered. These competencies reflect the full range of knowledge, skills, and other attributes that a student will acquire as a result of completing the requirements for a particular degree.
Upon graduation, a student completing the MS curriculum in Epidemiology will be able to:
- MS-EPID1: Identify and synthesize scientific literature on clinical and public health topics in order to generate hypotheses, conclusions, and recommendations;
- MS-EPID2: Select and implement epidemiologic techniques to quantitatively assess patterns and changes in disease occurrence;
- MS-EPID3: Develop and test a specific hypothesis using an appropriate study design and analysis plan;
- MS-EPID4: Evaluate strengths and limitations of health data for public health research and/or practice;
- MS-EPID5: Design and implement data quality control and management methods during data collection and/or analysis;
- MS-EPID6: Appropriately analyze and interpret epidemiologic data to extend the current knowledge of public health research or practice; and
- MS-EPID7: Discuss study findings and their implications with professional audiences.
Students seeking the MS in Epidemiology degree must complete 36 credits of academic work with a minimum GPA of least 3.0; earn no more than six (6) credits bearing grades less than “B,” and complete the degree requirements within five years. Courses are three credit hours unless otherwise noted and semester when each course is typically offered is noted parentheses. Students should review the Forward Schedule for long-term course planning and the Course Schedule for each semester to determine when, where, and how a course is offered.
CORE COURSES (12 credits)
- PHCO 0502 – Principles and Methods of Epidemiology
- PHCO 0504 – Introduction to Biostatistics (Prerequisite: Quantitative Skills Assessment)
- PHCO 0512 – Public Health Foundations (Spring)
- ENOH 0560 – Public Health Biology and Physiology (Spring)
(Note: students with a clinical background may be exempt from this 3-credit course, but are required to take an alternative 3-credit class)
REQUIRED METHODS COURSES (12 credits) Note: Students should review the Course Descriptions in the School Catalog for specific information about prerequisites required for required courses and recommended electives. Semesters when the required courses will be offered are noted for your course planning.
- EPID 0656 – Intermediate Epidemiologic Research Methods (Fall/Spring)
- EPID 0657 – Applied Methods in Epidemiologic Research (Fall/Spring)
- BIST 0535 – Biostatistical Computing (Fall/Spring)
- BIST 0551 – Applied Regression Analysis for Public Health Studies (Fall/Spring)
Choose one of the following six:- EPID 0621 – Survey Research Methods in Epidemiology (Fall)
- EPID 0753 – Advanced Epidemiologic Research Methods with Applications (Spring) Note: Doctoral-level course requires special permission from the instructor.
- BIST 0615 – Applied Categorical Data Analysis (Fall)
- BIST 0627 – Applied Survival Data Analysis (Spring)
- BIST 0650 – Applied Longitudinal Data Analysis (Fall)
- HBSP 0726 – Intermediate Survey Methods (Summer) Note: Doctoral-level course requires special permission from the instructor.
- UGPH 0605 – Qualitative Research Methods (Fall)
Choose one of the following eleven:- EPID 0550 – Public Health Surveillance
- EPID 0552 – Infectious Disease Epidemiology (Fall)
- EPID 0563 – Introduction to Outcomes Research (Fall)
- EPID 0601 – Cancer Epidemiology (Spring)
- EPID 0607 – Reproductive and Perinatal Epidemiology (Fall)
- EPID 0638 – TB: A View from the Trenches
- EPID 0650 – Environmental and Occupational Epidemiology (Fall)
- EPID 0652 – Epidemiology of Chronic Diseases (Fall)
- EPID 0672 – Pharmacoepidemiology and Therapeutic Risk Management (Spring)
- EPID 0673 – Social Epidemiology (Spring)
- EPID 0677 – Molecular Epidemiology: Integration of Biomarkers in Population-Based Research
- UGPH 0560 – Maternal and Child Health (Fall)
Note: With permission of advisor, students may choose a second advanced methods course instead of a sub-discipline selective.
RESEARCH (6 credits)
- RESH 0620 – MS in Epidemiology Thesis Proposal Seminar (Fall)
- RESH 0621 – MS in Epidemiology Research
Other Requirements
- EPID 0602 – MS in Epidemiology Journal Club (0 credits; required 2 times) Students must attend a minimum of 4 meetings per semester in their last two semesters; students must attend after completing EPID 0656
- Complete Collaborative Institutional Training Initiative (CITI) online training on Human Subject Research Protections (For Students Enrolled Fall 2024 and After)
MS in Epidemiology, Pharmacoepidemiology Concentration
Accordion Content
Each concentration identifies competencies for each degree offered. These competencies reflect the full range of knowledge, skills, and other attributes that a student will acquire as a result of completing the requirements for a particular degree.
Upon graduation, a student completing the MS curriculum in Epidemiology, Pharmacoepidemiology Concentration, will be able to:
- MS-PHEP1: Evaluate epidemiologic literature on pharmacoepidemiology topics in order to generate conclusions;
- MS-PHEP2: Select and implement pharmacoepidemiologic techniques to quantitatively assess patterns and changes in disease and treatment of disease;
- MS-PHEP3: Develop and test a specific hypothesis using an appropriate pharmacoepidemiologic study design and analysis plan;
- MS-PHEP4: Determine appropriate use and implement data systems in pharmacoepidemiologic research and/or practice;
- MS-PHEP5: Implement complex quality control methods during pharmacoepidemiologic data analysis; and
- MS-PHEP6: Appropriately analyze and interpret pharmacoepidemiologic data, including large national or international level datasets.
Students seeking the MS in Epidemiology, Pharmacoepidemiology Concentration, degree must complete 36 credits of academic work with a minimum GPA of at least 3.0; earn no more than six (6) credits bearing grades less than “B,” and complete the degree requirements within five years. Courses are three credit hours unless otherwise noted and semester when each course is typically offered is noted parentheses. Students should review the Forward Schedule for long-term course planning and the Course Schedule for each semester to determine when, where, and how a course is offered.
CORE COURSES (12 credits)
- PHCO 0502 – Principles and Methods of Epidemiology
- PHCO 0504 – Introduction to Biostatistics (Prerequisite: Quantitative Skills Assessment)
- PHCO 0512 – Public Health Foundations (Spring)
- EPID 0672 – Pharmacoepidemiology & Therapeutic Risk Management (Spring)
METHODS COURSES (12 credits)
- EPID 0656 – Intermediate Epidemiologic Research Methods (Fall/Spring)
- EPID 0657 – Applied Methods in Epidemiologic Research (Fall/Spring)
- BIST 0535 – Biostatistical Computing (Fall/Spring)
- BIST 0551 – Applied Regression Analysis for Public Health Studies (Fall/Spring)
Note: Students should review the Course Descriptions in the School Catalog for specific information about prerequisites required for required courses.- EPID 0676 – Intermediate Pharmacoepidemiology (Fall)
- EPID 0678 – Analysis of Real-World Pharmacoepidemiologic Data (Fall)
- EPID 0603 – PETS Pharmacoepidemiology Research Meetings (0 credits; required 2 times) Students must attend a minimum of 5 meetings per semester in their last two semesters; students are encouraged to attend after starting EPID 0672
- RESH 0620 – MS in Epidemiology Thesis Proposal Seminar (Fall)
- RESH 0621 – MS in Epidemiology Research
- Complete Collaborative Institutional Training Initiative (CITI) online training on Human Subject Research Protections (For Students Enrolled Fall 2024 and After)
Master of science (MS) vs. Master of Public Health (MPH) – What's the difference?
Rutgers School of Public Health offers MS and MPH degrees in epidemiology.
The MPH degree focuses on core areas of public health and trains students to pursue a professional or practice-oriented career in interdisciplinary public health.
The MS degree focuses on training students for epidemiological research and methodology and serves as preparation for doctoral degree programs.