Arts in Health Research Lab

About Us

Have you ever experienced a song that brings joy or calm, a poem or story that helps you make meaning, or a performance that brings together a community? A developing body of evidence shows that, like exercise and good nutrition, the arts benefit physical and mental health. Arts participation is now understood to be a health behavior and a social determinant of health. Arts in Health is a multidisciplinary field of practice, education, and research that engages the arts to enhance health and well-being in diverse institutional and community contexts.

Rutgers Mason Gross School of the Arts, Rutgers School of Public Health, and the New Jersey Performing Arts Center have joined to launch the Arts in Health Research Lab. This unique partnership between a major public research university and a celebrated performing arts center is the first of its kind in the nation, contributing to the new and growing field of Arts in Health across the country and around the world.

The mission of the Arts in Health Research Lab is to support arts in health research, education, community development, and interdisciplinary partnerships to improve individual and community well-being and health outcomes.

Group of people listening to a speaker.