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Group Founded by Faculty Member Receives Adolescent Health Award

Gold awards on yellow background.

Youth Reproductive Equity has received the 2023 Excellence in Adolescent Health Award from the Adolescent Health Initiative. Rutgers School of Public Health professor, Laura Lindberg, PhD, has helped build and direct Youth Reproductive Equity, which is a coalition of researchers, healthcare providers, and legal and policy experts collaborating to promote young people's reproductive equity.

The award recognizes individuals or teams who are doing exceptional work in adolescent health. Prior award winners include ETR and Mt. Sinai Hospital.

“Youth are often overlooked in conversations on policy and practice reforms to improve reproductive health, despite facing greater barriers than adults in exercising autonomy over their own bodies,” says Lindberg. “Youth Reproductive Equity brings needed attention to the needs and rights of young people.”

Youth Reproductive Equity received this award during the 2023 Conference on Adolescent Health. 

“As a founding member, chair of research, and director of social media (follow us on Twitter @YouthRepro), I’ve been working with Youth Reproductive Equity to expand and support young people’s access to sex education, contraception, and abortion care that supports their bodily autonomy,” adds Lindberg.