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The Rutgers School of Public Health: Advancing Sustainability for Healthier Futures

While traditional sustainability efforts often focus on environmental concerns, there is a growing need to focus on the interconnectedness of planetary health and human health. The climate crisis is a public health issue and threat multiplier, intensifying existing health disparities within societies. Achieving environmental justice is inherently tied to advancing public health.

The Rutgers School of Public Health is redefining sustainability by reframing its three pillars—environment, society, and economy—through the lens of public health. The school is making significant investments in sustainability education and research by introducing new programs, courses, and projects.

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In Fall 2024, two new courses in planetary and human health were launched: one focused on sustainability and the other on climate change. Plans are also underway to introduce a post-baccalaureate certificate program within a year, followed by a master’s degree; both programs will be focused on preparing students in the area of sustainability and health.

Recognizing that health and well-being are essential outcomes of sustainability, faculty are conducting transformative research. They are collaborating with community partners to study the health effects of wildfire smoke, monitoring lead exposure in water and its impact on childhood development, and assessing the role of education and training in championing leaders to drive sustainable change.

To learn more about the Rutgers School of Public Health’s sustainability initiatives, contact Wendy Purcell, vice chair and professor of the Department of Environmental and Occupational Health and Justice.