Learn about the school's many research groups and labs.
Arts in Health Research Lab
Building on a growing field of Arts in Health across the country and around the world, Rutgers Mason Gross School of the Arts, Rutgers School of Public Health, and the New Jersey Performing Arts Center have joined in an interdisciplinary partnership to launch the Arts in Health Research Lab. The goals of the Arts in Health Research Lab are to perform Arts in Health research that benefits populations across the state of New Jersey, innovate new research strategies including arts-based research methods and art-as-data collection, and establish a research plan to assess the health impact of NJPAC and Mason Gross arts experiences and programs.
Community Health Justice Lab
The Community Health Justice Lab (CHJL) addresses social determinants of health and the drivers of health inequity among medically underserved and hidden populations. Despite the increased availability and effectiveness of cancer prevention, diagnosis and treatment programs, medically underserved and hidden populations still suffer significant disparities concerning access to and the health outcomes of these programs. CHJL growing effort's encourage equal distribution and utilization of health resources for medically underserved and hidden populations facing disparities due to socioeconomic status, immigration, criminal record, race, age, sex, or insurance status.
Community Living Education Project
Since 1991, the Community Living Education Project (CLEP) has been committed to providing information and education regarding community living resources for people with intellectual /developmental disabilities living in New Jersey. CLEP uses a multi-faceted approach that includes hosting learning events, outreach and ongoing support, visits to community settings, and publications and media services. CLEP offers these free services to individuals, their families, staff and other stakeholders, and is supported by the New Jersey Department of Human Services, Division of Developmental Disabilities.
New Jersey Safe Schools Program and Field Research Dry Lab
New Jersey Safe Schools (NJ SS) is a project supported by the New Jersey Department of Education, Office of Career Readiness, to assist schools in reducing risk to occupational safety and health hazards in secondary school and work microenvironments in which NJ adolescents spend time. The project is administered by the Rutgers-School of Public Health. NJ SS involves a number of outreach components designed to support teachers, administrators, safety and health designees, structured learning experience/career orientation coordinators, county apprenticeship coordinators, cooperative education coordinators and those involved in school-to-careers.