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Accordion Content

  • Join the Rutgers University’s 259th Anniversary Commencement (aka Rutgers University – New Brunswick and Rutgers Health Commencement) on Sunday, May 18, 2025, at SHI Stadium in Piscataway, New Jersey. President Jonathan Holloway will address the degree candidates and guests and confer degrees. The Rutgers University - New Brunswick and Rutgers Health Commencement is only open to the Class of 2025 (October 2024, January 2025, May 2025). We encourage people to attend and represent our school and students. Those participating in the Commencement ceremony will need to wear academic regalia (see above, “attire”). 

    Members of the Rutgers Community, please be reminded that this University event is taking place to celebrate the culmination of our students’ hard work and earned degrees.  It is a momentous event for our many graduates and their guests, activities that disrupt the ceremony will not be tolerated.

    Learn More About Commencement

  • Information about other celebrations and ceremonies open to all graduating students, such as the Rites of Passage & Rainbow Graduation, are available at this link:


  • Commencement is the Rutgers University-wide graduation ceremony. Convocation is the Rutgers School of Public Health’s own graduation ceremony, where graduates are individually recognized for their achievements.