Incident Reporting

The New Jersey Department of Education N.J.A.C. 6A:19-6.5 requires the following:
(a) District boards of education shall notify the Department of any reportable incident involving career and technical education (CTE) program students, or staff, or others participating in any CTE program, program of study, cooperative education experience, or apprenticeship training. The report shall be made within five working days of the occurrence on the electronic incident reporting form supplied by the Department.
(b) District boards of education shall investigate reportable incidents and shall implement corrective action, as needed, to prevent similar incidents from being repeated in the future. The corrective action that is implemented shall be recorded on the electronic incident reporting form.
According to N.J.A.C. 6A:19-1.2, a “reportable incident” means any injury or illness incurred by a student or teacher resulting from participation in a CTE program or program of study, occurring either on school premises or off-premises at an approved SLE training site, including travel to or from the off-premises site, or any other individual who incurred an injury or illness in a CTE classroom, and that requires treatment by a licensed medical doctor.
The “Guidance Manual for Completing the Incident Reporting Form for Career and Technical Education Programs and Structured Learning Experiences” was developed to assist those individuals responsible for completing the required online Incident Reporting Form.
To submit an “Incident Reporting Form for Career and Technical Education Programs and Structured Learning Experiences”, click here.
Schools are now required by law (N.J.A.C. 6A:19-6.5) to submit their incident report online. The new online incident report can be printed, prior to final submission, either to PDF to save on your computer or on your printer for your files. Here are links to the paper versions if you need these for your records: PDF | Word