News Coverage
Accordion Content
- Resilience is crucial to ending the HIV/AIDS epidemic- Openly
- JMC Podcast: A Conversation on the Past, Present, and Future of Public Health: NPHW 2023
- Reflections on World AIDS Day 2023—A Call to Increase Research Funding on HIV and Aging
- Contributor: A Crisis in Public Health—Addressing the Exodus From Our Essential Workforce
- OPINION: The US move to allow gay and bisexual men to give blood finally rights historic wrongs
- COVID-19 Pandemic Increased the Frequency of Intimate Partner Violence - Rutgers Today
- Resilience to HIV-Related Stigma May Be Key to Ending the AIDS Epidemic - Rutgers Today
- LGBTQ+ people experience higher unemployment as a result of COVID-19, impacting health – Psys
- Vaccine rejection among HIV patients is similar to the general population in the United States
- People Living with HIV Need Tailored COVID-19 Vaccination Information
- Intimate Partner Violence Among Some LBGT Couples Increased During Pandemic - Rutgers Today
- Partner Violence More Likely for Young Gender and Sexual Minorities - Futurity
- Partner Violence High Among Young Sexual and Gender Minorities - Patch
- Rutgers Study Indicates Who Faces Highest Risk of HPV Infection and Anal Cancer - Rutgers Today
- Implications of the COVID-19 Pandemic on LGBTQ Communities - JPHMP Direct Talk (Podcast interview with CHIBPS Deputy Director Dr. Kristen Krause)
- Those at High Risk Know about PrEP but Use Remains low
- People at High Risk for HIV Know about Prevention Pill, But Use Remains Low - Rutgers Today
- At-Risk People Know PREP Prevents HIV but Few Take It - Futurity
- People at high risk for HIV know about prevention pill, but use remains low - Medical Xpress
- Experts Predict A Slutty Summer — And An STI Spike - Buzzfeed
- Young gay men unaware about HPV or that there's a vaccine available - Queerty
- Study: Queer Men of Color Have Sex at Earlier Ages Than Straight Peers - Advocate
- Young gay men's health care needs not being men - Newswise
- Sexual minority men who smoke report worse mental health and more frequent substance use
- Sex ed needs to start earlier and it needs to include queer people - Mic
- Missing Data: Impact of COVID-19 on LGBTQ Communities - Patch
- Medicine and Education Lag in the Delivery of Services to Enhance Health of Sexually Active Adolescent Gay-Identified Men - Rutgers Today
- Young Men Unaware of Risks of HPV Infection and Need for HPV Vaccination - Rutgers Today
- Sexual minority men who smoke report worse mental health and more frequent substance use - Medical XPress
- Health and the LGBTQ Community - NBC New York
- Gay/Bi Men, It's Time To Take HPV Seriously – NewNowNext
- Rutgers: Doctoral Student Examines Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity Victimization Among Young Adults in NYC – ASPPH
- HPV infection high in minority men who have sex with men despite available vaccine – EurekAlert
- Recent study shows HIV intervention programs may be effective - NJTV News
- Rutgers faculty among new NJ AIDS epidemic committee - The Daily Targum
- New book connects three generations of gay men – Towleroad
- Rutgers Dean studies sexualized drug use among a new generation of sexual minority men - ASPPH
- Treating LGBTQA health disparities - App
- Will HIV Be Greece’s Next Crisis - HIV Plus Mag
- The crystal meth crisis: Addiction in America goes beyond opioids - Inquirer
- The Millenials and HIV - Social Lifestyle Magazine
- Publication draws attention to smoking and biopsychosocial issues in HIV and aging - NYU Research Digest (p. 20-21)
- How Will We Be Remembered?: A health professor living with HIV reflects on the “AIDS Generation” of long-term survivors - Poz Magazine
- Have condoms failed us? A community roundtable discussion - LGBT Health
- HIV and Aging: HIV-related Health Issues among Gay, Bisexual, and Other MSM - CDUHR
- Treatment as Prevention: the facts behind PrEP - The Conversation
- NYU Steinhardt researchers to study why male millennials risk HIV transmission - ScienceX
- ‘Gay Generation Gap’ over HIV? - CNN
- Rise in Unprotected Sex in Gay Men spurs H.I.V. Fears - New York Times
- HIV and Aging: A Time for Celebration? - HuffPost
- In the Days Before ‘Test and Treat’ - HuffPost
- HIV and the power of escape - HuffPost
- Mental health burdens contribute to HIV in gay men, says NYU Steinhardt researcher - NYU Press Release
- Making Sparks With HIV-Positive Online Dating Site Volttage - EDGE Media Network
- Profile of CHIBPS Intern Jackie Blachman-Forshay - Columbia University Mailman School of Public Health Newsletter
- Truvada and HIV/AIDS Prevention - NYU Steinhardt
- Interview about HPV vaccination in gay men - Signorile Show
- Odds for detecting HIV varies by method, new study finds - NYU Press Release
- Re-centering science in the fight against AIDS - HuffPost